History, Splendor & Gingerbread Creations

Christmas at Grove Park Inn

Written by CHUCK CLEVELAND    |    Photographed by BARBARA CLEVELAND  

This aerial view of Grove Park Inn spotlights the internationally acclaimed spa, which covers more than 40,000 square feet and offers exquisite treatments in breathtaking surroundings.

When Grove Park Inn opened in 1913, former Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan observed it was “built for the ages.”

That remark has certainly proven true, but we would amend his statement slightly to say Grove Park was built for all ages – that is, for all age groups.

My wife Barbara and I have witnessed couples, children, grandparents and grandchildren delighting in the gracious hospitality offered by the Grove Park Inn staff. We can confidently say that Christmas at Grove Park exudes a family-friendly atmosphere.

The historic hotel, built by Edwin Grove, is nestled among the Blue Ridge Mountains in Asheville, N.C. The original building was constructed in less than one year and opened July 12, 1913. Since then, two wings have been added. Today, Grove Park houses more than 500 rooms and suites.

Barbara and I have stayed at Grove Park Inn at least a dozen times. Each of our visits was in late December. Space does not permit recounting a lengthy list of memories, but we’ll mention a few highlights that are significant to us.

Warmth in the Great Hall. Upon entering the Great Hall, just beyond the lobby area, what most people notice first are the immense fireplaces on opposite sides of the room. If you’re fortunate enough to obtain a chair in front of them, you can experience a carefree calm in an otherwise bustling atmosphere. In my experience, I’d say peacefulness in the mountains is particularly special.

Exceptional Dining. Adding to the delight of guests is the excellent food available at several superb restaurants. The large breakfast buffet is deliciously filling, and we have found it unnecessary to eat again until evening. If you’re at the hotel on Christmas Day, you’ll almost certainly want to enjoy the fantastic feast in the Grand Ballroom. With gentle classical music in the background, guests can devour the succulent food in a most relaxing manner. A reservation, particularly for the Ballroom, is necessary.

Gingerbread Contest. A popular tradition since 1992 is the presentation of entries from around the nation in Grove Park Inn’s annual gingerbread contest. Judging takes place in late November, so dozens of spectacular creations are available for inspection during December.

A Forest’s Worth of Decorated Trees. Finally, there are the elaborately decorated Christmas trees. Many couples desire to have their picture taken in front of the trees, and a fellowship of sorts develops as they accommodate one another by taking each other’s photos.

To reserve your holiday stay at Grove Park Inn, call 800.438.5800. Wishing you a Merry Christmas in the mountains! NCM


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